Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Summer is Here

After battling the bitter cold for the most of the last 6 months, we will soon be into the swing of summer. The kids are wearing summer clothes, riding on bikes and scooters and very soon will be asked to bring "togs" to school for swimming classes. The weather has just been fantastic, around the early 20s, just like air con temperature while at night, it still can get a little chilly, around the early teens. The nights are getting brighter too. The sun rises at around 5.30 in the morning and set only at around 9 pm. As we get into summer, we will get more sunlight hours and it will only get dark at around 10 at night. So, if anyone intending to visit NZ, now is the time as the climate is milder and you get to travel for longer hours.

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