Monday, September 04, 2006

Bill Gates Story

Have you heard of the Bill Gates story about his encounter with a fisherman at sea? If you have not, here is a short version of it. Bill Gates met a fisherman at sea and ask him, don't you want to earn more money by working rather than just fishing the whole day? When you work hard, you can earn more money and with this money, you can buy a very big boat and go fishing everyday. To this, the fisherman replied, why is there a need to have a big boat? I do not need one, this boat is sufficient for me and beside, with this small boat of mine, I too can go fishing everyday. The moral of the story is that we worked our socks off, especially in Asian societies, to get the dream houses and cars. What we have done by coming over here is that we can work less here in NZ and still afford our dream house (unlike the pigeon hole) and big car (without paying the high taxes). We are living our dreams.

1 comment:

The Ganasons said...

Well said, my friend!